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Self Love Blend


Focus: To create a deep sense of self love, self belief and self nurture.


Deepen your love for self with our gently activating Self Love blend. This Flower Remedy for Self Love works to open the parts of the heart that are closed off to love, and heal the most important relationship you have - the relationship with yourself.


This blend seeks to cleanse the common negative feelings we project onto ourselves - shame or hatred for our bodies, blocks in self confidence, and lack of belief and self respect. It creates a comforting energetic space where it is safe to forgive ourselves, and explore new ways of loving ourselves, whether physical or emotional. It helps to transform negative programs we hold in our mental field, by activating creative flow and opening us to new experiences of self love and self pleasure.


Self Love Flower Essence Blend contains:

  • Crab Apple for loving your body

  • Heather for self-respect

  • Larch for self belief and creativity

  • Oak for prioritising self pleasure

  • Pine for self-forgiveness

  • Wild Rose for love of life


This flower essence is made to order with all natural preservative using Organic  Grape Brandy.


Once bottled, your essence is cleansed under a copper pyramid and charged with harmonising intentions of love and gratitude.


You'll receive

1 x 30ml bottle of Self Love Flower Essence Blend in Treatment dilution.



    Pure Springwater, Natural Preservative (Organic Grape Brandy), Flower Essence (Crab Apple, Heather, Larch, Oak, Pine, Wild Rose).



    Take 4 drops under the tongue or added to a glass of filtered water morning and night for the duration of your self love practice.


    For enhanced results, as you take the essence, consciously imagine your heart filling with a beautiful shining pink light, this light flowing to every aspect of your body, then flowing outward so that all who come into contact with your field can feel your true, authentic, beautiful essence.

    Self Love (30ml)

    SKU: 062
    Expected to ship by early February
    • Pure Springwater, Natural Preservative (Grape Brandy), Flower Essence (Crab Apple, Heather, Larch, Oak, Pine, Wild Rose).. Once bottled, your essence is charged under a copper pyramid with the harmonising intentions of love and gratitude.

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